Christmas Through The Eyes Of A Child

Borrowing a musical passage from John Lennon, “imagine … it's easy if you try,” I will attempt to set the theme for a Christmas Season that you may not have thought about since you 
were a young child.

Imagine a world with no war or the possibility of such, as exemplified by the current North Korean conflict. Imagine a planet where all religions manage to set their differences aside and live together in harmony. Try to visualize an America where the citizens are not so divided in ideology, and where they manage to tone down their harsh, critical rhetoric. And dare, if you will, to expand that script to the world as a whole. Picture a political arena where all parties place the welfare of the people ahead of their party's platforms. And project, if you can, an ambiance where families remain in peaceful collaboration, broken homes do not exist, and no one becomes mortally ill.

Can you envision a world without greed and where wealth and basic commodities are shared more equally – and where human suffering does not exist? Are you able to peer into a society where everyone treats animals humanely and where we treat each other with even more reverence? Is it possible to accept all those who seek refuge and try to understand that many come from horrible situations that we may have difficulty comprehending? Can any of us dream of a world where terrorism, and all of its vile features, is only a page in a history book?

And, is there a remote possibility that the world's population might not someday require medicating with dangerous drugs to cope with depression, anxiety and pain? And might addiction become an issue of the past?

Impossible!” you might say, or, “right, only in your dreams.”

… And you would be 100 percent correct in that (adult) assumption.

But not necessarily so, if you view this Christmas Season through the eyes of a child.
In a child's world, Christmas rarely includes anything remotely affiliated with the negative issues of the world today. Children are usually innocent in their reasoning and oblivious to the world as adults perceive it.

To dream the impossible dream

This Christmas, let’s all make an attempt to recall a time when we were young. “It is easy if you try.” Please make the effort to visualize Christmas through the eyes of your children or grandchildren. And if that situation has no relevance, you might try to view the season through the eyes of a niece, a nephew, or a child from your neighborhood.

Above, the author, age two and a half years with his older sister Dianne:  Photo taken in the Beaver Run section of Beaverdale, PA on Christmas Morning, 1954


Still, others may choose to purposely get lost in their own personal Christmas dreams – not necessarily the dreams of an adult, but those of a child.

If you can, for only a few moments, I will wager that your Christmas will become both magical and mystical again, just as it was when you were young. And, even if it’s only a temporary respite, you might find that you are feeling like a kid again - and what could possibly be wrong with that?

Sadly, in reality, there are children today who struggle to persevere in atrocious conditions in many parts of the world, including here in our own country; and for them, it's entirely possible that they'll never have the Christmas memories that most of us cherish. May I suggest not only keeping them in your prayers, but please consider donating to a needy family, or contributing to a reputable charity on their behalf. I guarantee you'll feel even better this Christmas Season if you do.

A merry and blessed Christmas to you all.

My Roots - The Potchaks - circa 1927

My Roots - The Potchaks - circa 1927
From Left: Son, Steve - Dad, Frank - Mom, Anastasia (Makar) - Sons; John, Mike, Frank, Chuck (Author's Dad) - Twins, Pete & Mary - Daughter, Catherine. Photo taken in Wilmore, PA